The World of Dr. Mitch

Welcome to my Web Site.

      This site offers you the opportunity to learn more about R.E.B.T. - the original, short term, Cognitive/Behavioral Psychotherapy, developed by Dr. Albert Ellis over 45 years ago. The site was designed to serve four distinct types of visitors: clients, students, fellow professionals, and the merely curious. The information provided on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional Mental Health Services, but is provided to help inform the visitor about one possible approach to getting help, should it be needed.

     To learn more, click any item on the menu bar, or scroll down. The Citeline SEARCH BOX will help you find recent information about therapy, medication, mental or emotional problems, as well as physical illnesses. The Kartoo search box is a unique WWW graphical search engine - It is rather fun to use. Continue scrolling to see "What's New" on this site. 

     While you are visiting check out some of the songs of "Dr. Mitchagoss", my "nom de spoof" whose lighthearted approach helps us recognize some of our self-defeating and self-sabotaging thoughts & actions.

     If you have comments, or questions, or would like to give feedback about how to improve this site you can let me know by clicking Contact Dr. Mitch. Thanks for visiting and be sure to check back often for updated information.

 Click here to contact Dr. Mitch.

Read Dr. Mitch on an REBT perspective to PTSD - Click Here

WHAT'S NEW? June, 26th, 2014

  • Dr Mitch is now a COGMED Qualified Practice - To find out more scroll down and click on the icon below, or click here to visit Dr. Mitch's COGMED page.
  • Home - Dr. Mitch's first Web Award! (scroll down to bottom of page)
  • Contact Dr. Mitch - Announcing the opening of a new office in Hampton Bays, plus Google Maps for both locations
  • About R.E.B.T. - Scroll Down to link to an interesting chapter
  • Links & Downloads  - New Just for Fun - Artificial Intellegence Links, also see Dr Mitch & workshop participants at the WCBCT, Kobe Japan, 2004
  • Signs & Symptoms  - Scroll down to Anxiety and link to Dr. Mitch's article on an REBT Perspective to PTSD, also New Links for  Self-Help Quizzes, Depression, & Suicide Hotlines


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