Dr. Mitch's Bookstore

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Dr. Mitch's Choice
Self - Help Books
”A Guide to Rational Living”

”Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable...”

Reason to Change: A Rational Emotive...

”The 60-Second Shrink:101 Strategies...”

”SOS Help for Emotions...”

”Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy”

”The Feeling Good Handbook”

”How to Control Your Anger Before It...”

”The Anger Control Workbook”

”How to Control Your Anxiety Before It...”

”The Assertive Option : Your Rights and...”

”Don't Say Yes When You Want to Say No”

“Conversationally Speaking...”

”Optimal Aging : Get over Getting Older”

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail : And How...

Making Intimate Connections : Seven...

Dr. Mitch's Choice
Professional Books
"Reason and Emotion..."

"A Primer on RET"

"A Practitioner's Guide to REBT"

"Special Applications of REBT"

"Managing Addictions: Cognitive, Emotive,..."

"Anger Disorders: Definition, Diagnosis,..."

"Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: Grades 1-6"

"Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: 7-12"

"Cognitive Therapies in Action : Evolving Innovative Practice"

"Innovations in Rational-Emotive Therapy"

"Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline P.D."

"Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline P.D."